World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
WWI memorials at Székesfehérvár, Hungary
A. Heroes memorial: the opening ceremony was hold on the 30th September 1928. The memorial has the names of pupil heroes died for the country and the lirics of Sándor Sajó.
B. Memorial: memento for the Cistercian gymansium pupils and teachers. The opening ceremony was in the 9th November 1924. The statue was renovated in 2013.
C. Heroes memorial: the cript of the Szent István church, which opening ceremony was on the 2nd July 1929.
D. Heroes memorial: the Jewish cemetery was opened in 1841, later on a WWI statue was established.
E. Memorial of the 10th Huszár regiment: to establish the statue for the WWI 10th Huszár regiment the officer corps received the agreement on the 26th February 1918. The place was choosen at Szent István square. The statue opening ceremony was in 1925. Later in 1938 on the square the St. István monument was established and the statue of the 10th Huszár regiment was moved to Lövölde St. In 1997 the statue was renovated and moved to the Holly Trinity military cemetery.
F. Heroes memorial: the statue of WWI heroes having the inscription: ÖRÖKKÉ, ÁLDOTT AZOK EMLÉKE, AKIK A HAZÁÉRT ÁLDOZTÁK ÉLETÜKET 1914-1918
G. 69th regiment forward!: the statue commemorate the battle of Montello 1918 where heroes from the 69 Hindenburg infantery regiment died. The opening ceremony was on the 14th July 1931.During the renovation works in 1975 was found the dairy of the regiment, including the description of the Montello battle and the names of the 3600 heroes.
H. Heroes memorial: the statue of the commercial and trade college established on the 2nd of June 1929. After the renovation works in 1971 the heroes list was added. The statue was renovated in 1996 and 2013- 2015.
I. Memorial of the 10th Huszár regiment: For commemorating the Limanova battle the 10s Huszár regiment officer corps decided in 1937 to establish a statue. The opening ceremony was on the 9th December 1939. The statue was renovated in 2013 and in 2017.
J. Memorial of the 17th infantry regiment: the decision for a statue for the 17s infantery regiment was taken in 1916 in the Zichy park , and was realised on the 17th November 1918 .The monument was renovated in 1928. At the inauguration ceremony participated prince József.
Type of WWI-heritage
- War monument
different dimensions
State of repair/preservation
well managed
Historical WWI Context
A. Heroes memorial: Balázs János, Balog Sándor Dr., Barna László, Csernay Gyula, Deutsch Dezső, Deutsch Gyula, Deutsch Ferenc, Devecsery Béla, Dénes Nándor, Dömény Aladár,Fekete Géza, Fister István, Fürst Pál, Gáncs Viktor, Greiner Andor, Hajas József, Herendi Vilmos, Illés Károly, Brunkala Imre, Kalmár József, Kiss Béla Klein Imre, Kolin Imre, Laufenauer Antal, László István, Lukács Béla, Madarász Árpád, Mandl Aladár, Mohos László, Nagy László, Novák Ferenc, Székely Mihály, Paál Kálmán, Tar Pál, Várnai Ernő, Singer József, Szemenyei József, Matusek Gyula, Révész Márton, Rátkay Árpád, Hollstein Ede
B. Memorial: Aradi Károly, M. Dalmy Kálmán, Dr. Deutsch Jenő, Dr. Erdélyi László, Fiáth Béla br., Fiáth László br., Gyökér Gyula, Jungvirth Géza, Kasó Ferenc, Kégl József, Kéringer István, Knitlhoffer János, Kórády János, Kriegler Antal, Lukács Béla, Dr. P. Mentler Jenő, Meszleny László, Mihályi Ferenc, Ny. Németh Imre, Papp Alajos, Pausitz Ferenc, Payer István, Dr. Párkányi Dezső, vitéz Zs. Plossek Aladár, Balassy Pongrácz Károly, Pongrácz Pál, Prohászka Udó, Puha Károly, Schmidt Imre, Dr. Strausz Andor, Szalay Miklós, Vincz Ferenc .Ángyán László, Bernáth Zoltán, Bodányi Ödön, Bohóczky József, Csutka Jenő, Dunostits Elek, Dunosits György, Erdősi József, Fekete Géza, Fröschl Kálmán, HÉricz Ferenc, Hurbán István, Katona Gyula, KOrádi Béla, Kovács Sándor, Lehner János, Leszlauer István, Major István, Major Mihály, Marschall Ferenc, Mátéfi Mihály, Mohos László, Németh Lajos, Nyulassy István, Dr. Pottyondy László, Rieder Ödön Dr., Dr. Stermeczky Lajos, Szabó Gyula, Szakolczay Béla, Szily László
C. Heroes memorial-
D. Heroes memorial:Weisz Ödön, Weiser Béla, Wiesel Miksa, Farkas Jakab, Schwarz Miksa, Grünfeld Mika, Förstner Sándor, Fischer D. Dezső, Fleischner Manó, Fischer Géza és Mór, Weisz Vilmos, Raab Sándor, Abis Izrael, Kohn Adolf
E. Memorial of the 10th Huszár regiment:-
F. Heroes memorial:-
G. 69th regiment forward!:-
H. Heroes memorial:Balassa Ferenc, Bleyer János, Csernay Gyula, Dénes Imre, Dénes Nándor, Deutsch Dezső, Deutsch Gyula, Devecsery Béla, Dömény Aladár, Fürst Pál, Gaál János, Gáncs Viktor, Gerő Vilmos, Heisler Ferenc, Heisler Zsigmond, Holczer Nándor, Hurbán István, Illés Károly, Kalmár Béla, Károlyi József, Klein László, Kollin Imre, Kornfeld Ernő, Laky Ferenc, Laufenauer Antal, Leszlauer István, Mandl Aladár, Miklovics Jenő, Mohos Ferenc, Mohos László, Mórocz Ernő, Novák Ferenc, Papp Ferenc, Papp Ödön, Révész Márton, Rieder Ödön, Schäffer Károly, Schwarz Pál, Seper István, Stuffer Jenő, Szokoly István, Tar Imre, Tar József, Tar Pál, Tóth Béla, Várnai Ernő, Végh József, Vaimár Rudolf
I. Memorial of the 10th Huszár regiment:-
J. Memorial of the 17th infantry regiment:-
Recent Images
Historical Images
State of legal protection
no data available
A. The 10th Huszár regiment memorial:-
B. Memorial:-
C. Heroes memorial: Székesfehérvár city council
D. Heroes memorial:-
E. Memorial of the 10th Huszár regiment
F. Heroes memorial:-
G. 69th regiment forward!: Székesfehérvár city council
H. Heroes memorial: Székesfehérvár city council
I. Memorial of the 10th Huszár regiment:Székesfehérvár city council
J. Memorial of the 17th infantry regiment:Székesfehérvár city council
Kind of cultural use of WWI
(the available information is on the www.utazzitthon.hu/latnivalo/szekesfehervar site)
Országalma, 8000 Székesfehérvár, Városház tér 5,
Bory castle, 8000 Székesfehérvár, Máriavölgy út 54
Szent István basilica, 8000 Székesfehérvár, Arany János u. 9
Koronás park, 8000 Székesfehérvár, Koronás Park,
Szent István museum, 8000 Székesfehérvár, Fő u. 6,
Csók István galery, 8000 Székesfehérvár, Bartók Béla tér 1,
Nearby Székesfehérvár you can find:
The Velencei lake
Várpark, 2485 Gárdony, Kossuth u. 17,
Amadé castle, Iszkaszentgyörgy
Gárdonyi Géza museum, 2484 Gárdony, Sigray István utca,
no data available
Entrance Fee
no data available
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
no data available
The tourist infomation for Székesfehérvár are available at http://turizmus.szekesfehervar.hu/szallasok and www.szallas,hu
Public Transport
The public bus transport can be reached at 8000 Székesfehérvár, Piac tér
The train station can be reached at 8000 Székesfehérvár, Béke tér
Further information sources
The description of the statues from Székesfehérvár are described in the publication: Magony Imre – Székesfehérvár szobrai. Székesfehérvár, Lénia 2 Reklám és Médiaügynökség Kft, 2016.
Other heritage sites nearby
Museums Private Collections
no data available
WWI memorials at Székesfehérvár, Hungary
47.1909623 18.4092202 fileadmin/res/images/layout/standar-marker.pngLocation