World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
Fort Draguljac military fortification in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Built by Austro-Hungarian army as a part of the Sarajevo fortification system from 1882 to 1908, Fort Draguljac was one of the typical forts. It hosted Austro-hungarian army up to 1918.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
Type of WWI-heritage
- Military Fortification
Cca 56 m x 37 m.
State of repair/preservation
Derelict, pending conservation and/or restauration.
Historical WWI Context
Part of the fortification system “Fortress Sarajevo” (Festung Sarajevo), built from 1882 to 1908 with purpose to strategically protect city of Sarajevo from possible military incursion from Serbia or Montenegro. System was heavily armed and on standby in 1914, as the Montengrin army advanced, but was never employed in battle since the theatre of war moved to the southeast in 1915. Facilities in Ft. Draguljac were destroyed later in WWII.
Recent Images
Historical Images
State of legal protection
Protection pending, partially protected
Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas (Kantonalna javna ustanova za zaštićena prirodna područja), Municipality Stari Grad Sarajevo
Kind of cultural use of WWI
Guided tour of the Sarajevo fortification system; hiking tour to Trebević mountain.
No information available
Entrance Fee
No information available
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
Public Transport
Seasonal, but higly irregular bus line for Trebević; location is accesible by car, bike, or hike.
Further information sources
IZMJENE I DOPUNE PROSTORNOG PLANA KANTONA SARAJEVO, B Faza, Izmjena i dopuna Prostornog plana Kantona Sarajevo za period od 2003. do 2023. godine;
KANTON SARAJEVO, Kantonalna javna ustanova za zaštićena prirodna područja, PRIVREMENE UPRAVLJAČKE SMJERNICE ZA ZAŠTIĆENI PEJZAŽ ’’TREBEVIĆ’’, Sarajevo, april 2014. godine ;
Bosna i Hercegovina, Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine, KANTON SARAJEVO - V L A D A, ZAKON O PROGLAŠENJU ZAŠTIĆENOG PEJZAŽA „TREBEVIĆ“, Sarajevo, septembar 2013.godine
Other heritage sites nearby
- Pašino brdo (Werk IV), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Mala kula – Grdonj, Grdonj hill, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Weissbastion (Bijela tabija) in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Fort Vraca in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Werk Zlatište military fortification in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Prinz Eugen Kaserne (Jajce kasarna), military quarters in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- "Filipović lager" military barracks in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Museums Private Collections
Fort Draguljac military fortification in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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