World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
"Filipović lager" military barracks in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Part of the “Sarajevo assassination” heritage, a military barracks complex constructed between 1878 and 1897.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
Type of WWI-heritage
- Other military building or facility
cca 650 x 300 m , about 30 ha
State of repair/preservation
Military complex was actively used for army purposes from 1878. to 1997. It was later designated for Sarajevo University Campus according to spatial and urbanistic plans of the City of Sarajevo. On the eastern part of the complex, embassy of USA was built, while the western part is bound to give way for faculty buildings and University library.
Historical WWI Context
Location of this former military complex is a part of the “Sarajevo assassination” heritage. It was a large military complex that facilitated barracks and other military objects, constructed between 1878 and 1897. It was here that in the morning of June 28th 1914, archduke Franz Ferdinand inspected some of the troops, accompanied by Lieutenant-General Oskar Potiorek and General Appel, who briefly escorted him around the barracks. From here, the archduke and countess continued their way to Sarajevo city in a 1911 Gräf & Stift Double Phaeton that belonged to Count Franz von Harrach, a member of the Volunteer Automobile Corps.
Historical Images
State of legal protection
No information available, unprotected
Kind of cultural use of WWI
Location of the Filipovic-lager barracks is part of the guided tour “Sarajevo assassination”.
No information available.
Entrance Fee
No information available
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
Public Transport
Bike, Car, Taxi, Bus, Tramway.
Further information sources
BOGIĆEVIĆ, Vojislav, Sarajevski atentat – Stenogram Glavne rasprave protiv Gavrila Principa i drugova, Izdanje Državnog arhiva BiH, Sarajevo, 1954.
DEDIJER, Vladimir, Sarajevo 1914., Prosveta, Beograd, 1966.
Other heritage sites nearby
- Pašino brdo (Werk IV), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Mala kula – Grdonj, Grdonj hill, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Franz Joseph Kaserne in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Prinz Eugen Kaserne (Jajce kasarna), military quarters in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Werk Zlatište military fortification in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Museums Private Collections
"Filipović lager" military barracks in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
43.856756158525705 18.39585468360599 fileadmin/res/images/layout/standar-marker.pngLocation