World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
Паметник на полковник Петър Димков в град Варна
Паметникът на полковник Петър Димков е открит на 26 март 2013 г. в гр. Варна с военен ритуал и полагане на венци и цветя. Паметникът е емблематичен - разположен е точно срещу портала на Осми пехотен морски полк във Варна, чийто командир е полковника. Инициативата за изграждането на паметника е стартирала през 1996 г. по предложение на екипа на Парк-музея "Владислав Варненчик", а 17 години по-късно паметникът е бил факт. Той е изработен от архитект Енчо Димов и скулптура Живко Дончев.
Bulgaria, България
Type of WWI-heritage
- War monument
Паметникът е 3 метра - пиедестал със скулптура на полковник Петър Димков върху него.
State of repair/preservation
Паметникът е добре запазен - необходимо е частично реновиране.
Historical WWI Context
Petar Dimkov was born on 19 December 1886 in Sofia, Bulgaria. He participated in all wars for the unification of Bulgaria and was injured 8 times. He then discovered his ability to heal - he saved most of the cholera-hit soldiers. He was in the army until 1936 when he was transferred to the reserve as a colonel. Throughout his life he healed people with success gratuitously and he was called Peter Dimkov - the Healer. From his war period and for the follow-up history of Bulgaria he had many contributions. In Varna particularly he led the construction of the Asparuhov Shaft, the construction of the Arch of the Eighth Infantry Sea Regiment and the construction of the "Vladislav Varnenchik" Park - Mausoleum.
Петър Димков е роден на 19 декември 1886 г. в гр.София. Той е участвал във всички войни за обединението на България и е бил ранен 8 пъти. След това открил способността си да излекува - спасил е повечето от войниците, заболели холера. Той е бил в армията до 1936 г., след което е бил прехвърлен в резерва като полковник. През целия си живот успешно лекува хората безвъзмездно и бил наречен Петър Димков - Лечителя. От военния си период и за последвалата история на България той има голям принос. По-специално във Варна ръководи строителството на Аспаруховия вал, изграждането на Арката на Осми пехотен морски полк и изграждането на парк - мавзолей "Владислав Варненчик".
Recent Images
Historical Images
State of legal protection
Община Варна
Kind of cultural use of WWI
Currently the monument is not included in any touristic routs.
The monument is opened for visitors all the year round.
Entrance Fee
There is no entrance fee.
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
Informational Centre Varna – address Varna 9000, St. St. Kiril and Metodij” Square, phone: +359 52 820690, work hours: 9:00-19:00
Varna Tourism Chamber – Varna 9005, Residential area Chayka, Block 128, phone: +359 52 612809, work hours 9:00 – 19:00
Palace of Culture and Sports – Varna (
University of Economics – Varna (
Dolphinarium – Varna (the only Dolphinarium on the Balkan Peninsula) (
The Monument of Pantheon Varna (
Varna Roman Bath (
Fountain of Varna – a drone video (
People's Astronomical Observatory and Planetarium "Nikolay Copernicus" (
City Art Gallery Varna (
Best Retro Museum of Socialism (
Museum of Natural History (
Varna Aquarium (
Varna Zoo (,
Varna Assumption Cathedral (
Grafitt Galery Hotel (
Cherno More (
Boutique Splendid (
Best Western (
Public Transport
Nearby bus stop – „Chataldja” – bus number: 7, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 31a, 86, 118, 148
For further information see:
Further information sources
In the Park Museum of Military Friendship 1444” Vladislav Varnenchik” there is a permanent exhibition hall reflecting the life and work of Petar Dimkov, in which many personal items, letters, diaries, photographs, orders and medals and the colonel's sword are kept. A rich archive fund tells about the activities of Petar Dimkov, who led the construction of a number of cultural monuments, emblematic for the city of Varna. He has organized their construction, was the soul and the engine of this extremely patriotic, public initiative in the town, as a result of which appeared the Park-museum "Vladislav Varnenchik", the monument Eighth Infantry Sea Regiment, Asparuhovo Shaft. He is among the creators of the Varna Philharmonic Orchestra.
In 1934-1935 Colonel Dimkov was the commander of the Eighth Infantry Sea Regiment.
There is a three-dimensional edition of Bulgarian National Medicine (1977, 1991, 1993, 2008) of Petar Dimkov, which includes prescriptions and tips for natural and life-saving hygiene, nutrition, cosmetics, herbal medicine and spiritual practices. It is the successor to his main work, Natural History and Living, published in three volumes four times between 1926 and 1939.
Between 1944 and 1990 his books were banned from political censorship. Since 1990 his case has regained popularity.
Over the years there have been many books and directed films dedicated to Petar Dymkov and describing his life.
Other heritage sites nearby
Museums Private Collections
Археологически музей гр.Варна (
Военноморски музей гр.Варна (
Паметник на полковник Петър Димков в град Варна
43.213855 27.925707 fileadmin/res/images/layout/standar-marker.pngLocation