World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
Bruckneudorf War memorial, Burgenland, Austria
The memorial located on the military parade ground at Bruckneudorf (Királyhida in Hungarian) in the district of Neusiedl am See had already been planned in 1915 by the architect Emil Krause on the initiative of the War Ministry, the design being based on the Leipzig battle of the nations memorial. The tower-like edifice was constructed in 1915/16 with the forced labour of Russian POWs in Austro-Hungarian captivity during World War I.
Austria, Burgenland
Type of WWI-heritage
- War monument
The memorial has a height of around 22 metres.
State of repair/preservation
The memorial is in good condition.
Historical WWI Context
Almost half the soldiers serving in World War I received their gunnery training on the parade ground of Bruckneudorf (in Hungarian: Királyhida) in the district of Neusiedl am See. The War Ministry had initiated the construction of a war memorial on this site in 1915, planned by the architect Emil Krause (1873–1937) according to the design of the Leipzig battle of the nations. With use of Russian POWs the tower-like construction – the largest memorial in the Vienna military commando area – was then built in 1915/16; inauguration took place in 1917. Bruckneudorf therefore gained the first memorial constructed in the area of today's Burgenland that generally commemorated "soldiers fallen in the World War" instead of soldiers specified by name.
The coloured shield of the Austro-Hungarian Donau monarchy with the associated coat of arms of Habsburg-Lothringen and the motto "indivisible and inseparable" was intended to instil in the soldiers undergoing training a sense of the unity of the monarchy.
The war memorial was redecorated during the 1934-38 corporate state: the decorative painter Gottlieb Günther created a wall painting for the cupola of the consecrated room that no longer exists and unfortunately has not been reproduced in image form.
State of legal protection
The war memorial is heritage-protected.
No information available.
Kind of cultural use of WWI
No touristic use.
Access to the war memorial is free.
Entrance Fee
Access to the war memorial is free.
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
Further information:
Gemeinde Bruckneudorf: www.bruckneudorf.eu
Eisenstadt: www.eisenstadt-tourismus.at
City of Eisenstadt: www.eisenstadt.gv.at
City of Neusiedl am See: www.neusiedlamsee.at
City of Vienna: www.stadt-wien.at
Further information:
Eisenstadt: www.eisenstadt-tourismus.at
Burgenland Tourism: www.burgenland.info
Public Transport
Further information sources
Joachim Giller, Hubert Mader & Christina Seidl, Wo sind sie geblieben? Kriegerdenkmäler und Gefallenenehrung in Österreich, Wien (1992).
Angelina Pötschner, Zeitenwende – Wendezeit. Von der Gründerzeit in Westungarn bis zur „Gründerzeit“ des Burgenlandes. Kunst und Architektur, in: Rudolf Kropf (Hg.), Der Erste Weltkrieg an der „Heimatfront“, Eisenstadt (2014), S. 393–422.
Ort – Erinnerung – Denkmal. Relikte des Ersten Weltkriegs. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege, Heft 3/4 (2015).
Other heritage sites nearby
- Memorial site of the former refugee camp Bruck an der Leitha, Lower Austria, Austria
- Memorial for Jewish soldiers of World War One and War memorial on the central cemetery of Vienna, Austria
- "Iron Soldier" (Wehrmann in Eisen), Vienna, Austria
- Russian Orthodox chapel in Zagging, Lower Austria, Austria
- Bridgehead Krems, base Göttweiger Mountain, Lower Austria, Austria
- WWI monuments from Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary
Museums Private Collections
Heeresgeschichtliches Museum (HGM), Vienna
Further information: www.hgm.at
Bruckneudorf War memorial, Burgenland, Austria
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