World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database

Jaeger statue, Budapest, Hungary

The jaeger (camp hunter) statue is situated in the 12.district of Budapest called the Városmajor, made by Strobl Kisfaludy Zsigmond. The address is: Budapest XII. kerület, Városmajor, hrsz.: 6835/4


Type of WWI-heritage

  • War monument



State of repair/preservation

well managed

Historical WWI Context

The statue showes two solders. The veteran of the WWI is giving his place to the younger generation. In the background fighting solders can be seen. The statue was prepared in the 1940 and officially established in 1941. Minor changes was made on the solder of the WWI as the military uniform does not liked to the communist regime ( head and gun changed).

 Within the Austrian - Hungarian army  were four regiments having 25 jaeger troups. The jaeger troups was market from 1-32. The headquarters was in Insbruck, Bozen, Brixen and Trient.

State of legal protection

no data available


Budapest, 12th district city council

Kind of cultural use of WWI

The statue situated in Budapest can be accessed with M2 till Széll Kálmán square and by taking the bus 39,102,128,129 to Maros stops  or the 56,59,61 tram lines to Nyúl  St. stops or the  buses 5,91,155,156 to  Nyúl St. stopes

Information sources:


no data available

Entrance Fee

no data available

Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby


Public Transport

Further information sources

Other WWI heritage sites in Budapest

I. District

Tóth Árpád promenade Erdélyi 2-es (székely) Huszár memorial (1742-1919). Opening in 1935.

Tóth Árpád promenade 40. Gorodoki battle (Museum of History). Opening in 1929.

Tóth Árpád promenade 40. (Museum of History). Opening in 1930.

Batthyány square 7. (Szent Anna church). Opening in 1933.

Szabó Ilonka St. 2-4. (Katolikus university)

II. District

Gyóni Géza square Przemysl memorial. Opening in 1932.

Pesthidegkút, Heroes square. Opening in 1925.

Bécsi St. 32. Opening in 1926.

III. District (included in the database description)

Békásmegyer. Heroes square. Opening in 1928.

Békásmegyer, Lehel St.

Óbudai St. 7. Opening in 1928.

Menedékház St.

Óbudai island Opening in 1928.

IV. District

Újpest Tanoda square.Opening in 1931.

Úipest Pozsonyi St.1 Opening in 1925.

V. District

Kossuth Lajos square 1-3 ( Parlament). Opening in 1925.

Egyetem square 1. Opening in 1930.

Párizsi St.. Opening in 1927.

Kossuth Lajos square 11 ( Ministry of agriculture). Opening in 1935.

Szervita square 6. Opening in 1930.

Fővám square. Opening in 1948.

Reáltanoda St. 7. Opening in 1930.

Piarista St.1. Opening in 1926.

VI. District

Andrássy St. 73-75. Opening in 1932.

Izabella St. 46. Opening in 1937.

VII. District

István St 2. ( Veterinary university). Opening in 1926.

Városliget St. 17-21 (Evangelistic gymnasium).

VIII. District

Square of 32. Opening in 1933.

Múzeum road 6-8. ( ELTE court ). Opening in 1936.

Ludovika square. Opening in 1924.

Heroes monument, Ludovika square. Opening in 1942.

Orczy garden. Opening in 1928.

Kerepesi cemetery

IX. District

Bakáts square

Kinizsi St. 1-7 (Reformat gymnasium)

Haller St. Opening in 2001.

X. District

Kozma St. 8-10( new public cemetery). Opening in 1926.

Kozma St. 8-10 (new public cemetery). Opening in 1914.

Kozma St. 8-10 (new public cemetery). Opening in 1942.

Kozma St. 6

Salgotarjáni St.

XI. District

Fehérvári St. 219. Opening in 1941.

Budafoki St. 4 (Technical university). Opening in 1927.

Ménesi St. 43-45 (Horticultural university)

XII. District (included in the database description)

Dianna St. Opening in 1934.

Városmajor. Opening in 1940.

Kiss János altábornagy St 40. Opening in 1934.

XIV. District

Álmos vezér square. Opening in 1925.

Dózsa György St. 41 ( Museum of Fine Arts). Opening in 1929.

Thököly St. 173. Opening in 1925.

Thököky St. 74 (SZIE Ybl Miklós university)

Tatai St. 95

Cházár András St. 5. Opening in 1925.

XV. District (included in the database description)

Hubay Jenő square. Opening in 1932.

Pestújhelyi square. Opening in 1924.

XVI. District

Szabadföldi St. (Cinkota). Opening in 1931.

Paulheim József square (Mátyásföld) Opening in 1935.

XVII. District

Szent kereszt square. Opening in 1928.

Csaba vezér square. Opening in 1925.

Heroes square (Rákosliget). Opening in 1925.

XVIII. District

Kossuth Lajos square (Pestszentlőrinc). Opening in 1936.

Heroes square ( Pestszentimre). Opening in 1943.

XIX. District

Templom square(Kispest). Opening in 1928.

Üllói St. 266 . Opening in 1925.

XX. District

Magyarok Nagyasszonya square (Pesterzsébet). Opening in 1940.

Emlékezés square. Opening in 2004.

XXI. District

Szent Imre square (Csepel). Opening in 1929.

XXII. District

Savoyai Jenő square. Opening in 1926.

Szentháromság square (Nagytétény). Opening in 1934.

Nagytétényi St. 286. Opening in 1937.

Budatétény, Bajcsy Zsilinszky St. 163. Opening in 1926.

XXIII. District

Heroes square (Soroksár). Opening in 1926.

Other heritage sites nearby

Museums Private Collections

no data available


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