World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
WWI monuments and cemeteries in Esztergom, Hungary
A.The10 m high obelisc can be reach at the crossroad of the roads 10. 11. és 111 .
B. The cemetery Szentgyörgymező has graves of solders died on the front and hospitals approx. 280
C.The cemetery Belvárosi has familiar graves approx. 20
D. The Szent Anna cemetery has approx. 90 military graves
E. The Jewish cemetery has approx. 20 military graves
Type of WWI-heritage
- War monument
- Military cemetery
the obelisc at Heroes square has a high of 10 m, the cemeteries dimensions is variable
State of repair/preservation
The monument at Heroes square is well managed, the graves in the cemeteries have different conditions, some of them neglected. The reconstruction is planed in 2017-2018.
Historical WWI Context
A. Heroes memorial was established in 1927 when the governer Miklós Horthy participated at the inauguration. The sculpture is made by Dezső Lányi and the planes by István Gróh.
B. Cemetery at Szentgyörgymező: (address: 2500 Esztergom, Kiss Ernő St. 15628, 15629 és 15629/1 hrsz.) The famous Miklósffy chapel was constructed in the classicist style and it was financed by Miklósffy Csikvátsársi András. The first funerar was at the 17th December 1914. In 1916 the cemetery was completly filed so other 1,5 ha of land needed to by invested.
C. Cemetery at Belváros: (address: 2500 Esztergom, Temető St. 18836, 18837, 18838, 18839, 18840 hrsz.) According to the Militarí Museum data approx. 37 Hungarian solders and one from other nation was burried in the cemetery. At the last assessment 11 graves was identified.
D. Cemetery at St. Anna: (address: 2500 Esztergom, Áchim András St. - Mátyás király St. junction). The first funerar was at the 16th August 1914. During WWI 61 Hungarian, 28 Russian, 3 Serbian solders was burried. As the cemetery was the poors cemetery the graves was not managed. Today only a few graves can be found. The cemetery was closed in 2009.
E. Jewish cemetery: (address: 2500 Esztergom, Petőfi Sándor St. 52-54). The graves are in neglected stage. Graves reconstruction is planed by the Esztergom local council.
State of legal protection
Esztergom city council
Kind of cultural use of WWI
(the available information is on https://www.utazzitthon.hu/latnivalo/esztergom site)
Esztergom bazilica, 2500 Esztergom Szent István tér 1 |
Esztergom museum, 2500 Esztergom Szent István tér 1
Christian museum, 2500 Esztergom Mindszenty hercegprímás tere 2,
Balassa Mihály museum, 2500 Esztergom Mindszenty hercegprímás tere 5
Babits Mihály museum, 2500 Esztergom, Babits Mihály utca 11
Nearby Esztergom you can find :
2027 Dömös, Macskások-Nyilasok dűlő
Duna Ipoly national park
Palatinus lake
Sátorkőpusztai cave
The heroes square memorial can be visited all day. The cemeteries are open from the 1st April till the 31th October between 7.00am - 20.00 pm. From the 1st November till the 31th of March between 8.00 am - 18.00 pm.
On the 31th of October and the 1st of November the opening is till 22.00 pm.
Entrance Fee
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
no available data
Public Transport
Esztergom Railway station, Esztergom Buss station, road 11, road 10,. The city can be reached from the highway no.1 in 20-30 min. Other sites nearby are Párkány (Sturovo, Slovakia) railway station approx. 15 min.
Further information sources
Esztergom basilica
Other heritage sites nearby
Museums Private Collections
no available data
WWI monuments and cemeteries in Esztergom, Hungary
47.7853981 18.7385758 fileadmin/res/images/layout/standar-marker.pngLocation