World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
The memorial of 6th Bdin Division, Bulgaria
The construction of the Memorial was carried out thanks to the initiative of the Union of the officers and sergeants from the reserve and the Dobrichka municipality, which provided the site for its construction - a site between the villages of Kozloduytsi and Rosenovo. The architectural and artistic project was drafted and donated by Vladimir Petrov, an urban planner from Plovdiv. Its implementation is realized free of charge by Tony Yordanov, a businessman from Mezdra. As a sign of respect for the heroes, the monument has their names written. The inventor of the lists of the deceased is the historian Radoslav Simeonov. The artistic performance is done by the sculptures Alexander Haytov and Hristo Iliev.
Bulgaria, Kozloduitsi
Type of WWI-heritage
- Non-Military Site of World War One Relevance
500 m2
State of repair/preservation
Historical WWI Context
The soldiers and officers of the 6th Bdin Division participated bravely in all the led wars for the national consolidation of the Bulgarian people. During the Balkan War, they heroically fought at Lozengrad, Ljulburgaz and Chataldzha, and after Bulgaria's involvement in World War I they contributed to the military defeat of Serbia in 1915. But it is still very little known that two of the regiments in this division (35th Infantry from Vratsa and 36th Infantry fromKozloduy) are included in the composition of the Third Bulgarian Army, under the command of a Gen. Stefan Toshev. As is known, their task is the liberation of Dobroudzha, occupied at that time by Romania. With a manifestation of Ferdinand, the war with Romania was declared on 1st of September 1916. For Bulgarian this was a fair historical act. Early in the morning of September the 2nd 1916, the parts of the 6th Infantry Division of Bdin crossed the border shouting “hurray”, with flags and the sounds of the “Shumi Maritsa” anthem. Those brave men were fighting on the right wing of the army and their main task is to seize Dobrich. The second brigade of the division is under the command of Major General Hristo Popov and comes to the well-known villages Eksiche (today Benkovsky) and Vladimirovo. On September the 4th 1916, the Third Bulgarian Army commander ordered the Varna troops headed by General Todor Kantardzhiev and the Biden Division brigade to jointly attack Dobrich, as the first ones should come to the city from the south, while thedevision from Bdinzi - from the west. At the evening arrives the Bdin brigade, which is located west of the town - in the area of the then village of Suyutchuk (now Riltsi district of Dobrich). On September the 5th 1916, started the three-days bloody fighting for the defense of the city, known in Bulgarian history as “Dobrich Epopee”. In this fights, the soldiers and officers of the 6th Infantry Division of Bdin have a heroic and significant involvement. At the cost of many victims from the two infantry regiments of the division and with the decisive intervention of the First Horse Division of Gen. Ivan Kolev, on September 7, 1916, a powerful strike of the opponent was struck. The defenders of Dobrich rise in an unstoppable counterattack. A small number of Bulgarians managed to defeat their stronger opponent. In 1942, when South Dobrudzha was finally restored to Bulgaria, for the commemoration of the “Dobrich Epopee” many villages and towns where renamed - Bdintsi, Vrachanzi, Kozloduitsi, Lovchantsi, Gen. Kolevo, Gen. Toshevo, Polk. Minko, Polk. Sveshtarovo, Feldfebel Djankovo, Pobeda, Rilci, Primortsi and others.
Recent Images
Historical Images
State of legal protection
Municipality General Toshevo
Kind of cultural use of WWI
Free access
Entrance Fee
No entry fee
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
Public Transport
Further information sources
Бойчев, Петър. Симеонов, Радослав. Те загинаха за Добруджа. София, ИК „Гутенберг”, 2016 г.
Първата световна война и събитията на Добруджанския фронт. The First World War and the events on the Dobrudzhan front. Сборник с изследвания. Тутракан, 2011 г.
Dobrudja – Politicsq Societyq Economy and Culture (XIX-XX Centure). Добруджа – политика, общество, стопанство и култура (XIX-XX в.). Тутракан, Ковачев, 2015 г.
Dobrudzha in the Wars for National unification. Добруджа във войните за национално обединение. Добрич, 2016 г.
Букурещкият мирен договор и съдбата на Южна Добруджа. Добрич, 1994 г.
Добричката епопея 1916 г. Историко-библиографски справочник. Добрич, 2006 г.
Кантарджиев, Т. Добричката епопея
Кантарджиев, Т. Варна, Баладжа, Добрич. София, 1924 г
Кюркчиев, Н. Епопеята на врачанци. Легендарния бой. Добрич, 7 септември 1916 г.
Other heritage sites nearby
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- Pašino brdo (Werk IV), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- A Soldiers’ Monument at Old Cemetery Varna, Bulgaria
- Military Cemetery in Dobrich, Bulgaria
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- A Monument of Colonel Petar Dimkov in Varna City, Bulgaria
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- Memorial Monument of Eighth Infantry Sea Regiment in Varna, Bulgaria
- Monument of the Bulgarian Coastal Artillery, Bulgaria
- Memorial park-garden, Bulgaria
- Soldier cemetery in Silistra, Bulgaria
- Memorial Monument, Dobrich, Bulgaria
- The Memorial Wall with a bas-relief of Rear Admiral Ivan Variclechkov in Varna, Bulgaria
- The Monument to the Fallen Warriors in Aksakovo, Varna Region, Bulgaria
- WWI related monument, Alfatar
- Monument to General Ivan Kolev, Dobrich, Bulgaria
- The monument to General Stefan Toshev, General Toshevo, Bulgaria
Museums Private Collections
The memorial of 6th Bdin Division, Bulgaria
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