World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
French Military Square in Galati, Romania
In the very vicinity of the Mausoleum of the Heroes of the Cemetery "Eternity" in Galati, there is a perimeter in which there are the graves of 62 French soldiers and nine Algerian soldiers who died in the First World War in the French military hospital of Galati. The graves are in the form of 53 Latin crosses and 9 Muslim stars.
Romania, South East Region
Type of WWI-heritage
- Military cemetery
No information available
State of repair/preservation
Recently renovated (2015)
Historical WWI Context
During the First World War, there was a French medical mission in Galati that took care of over 50,000 wounded. Many of the French soldiers died in the years after the War, in 1919 and in 1920, when French troops remained in the area to support the Romanian army in defending Bessarabia, and to prevent Russia from annexing Bessarabia.
Located on the Maritime Danube and a few nautical miles away from the Sea, Galati was a strategic point, both from the economic and mostly from the military point of view.
After Romania's entry into the First World War, this strategic position and the defense line of Focsani - Namoloasa - Galati ensured that the city and the county find shelter from an actual occupation by a belligerent nation. However, the city of Galati was bombed both from Dobrogea, from the Macin Mountains, and from the Bugeac Hills in Bessarabia, suffering multiple destructions at that time. It was also bombarded by the zeppelines of the German army.
On 7-8 January 1918, took place the battle for the defense of the city, as the Bolshevik Russian troops (that played the role of our ally in the WWI) who were disorganized and were retreating, intended to occupy the city, which was defended, in turn, by the ground, air, and naval forces of Galati. The defeated Russian troops surrendered to the enemy ‒ the German Army ‒ that was cantoned beyond the Siret River.
Broader national WWI-context: A history of Romania's participation in World War I can be found on the following website: http://www.marelerazboi.ro/.
Historical Images
State of legal protection
It is not on the List of Historical Monuments
Galati City Hall
Kind of cultural use of WWI
No information available
The access of the visitors is not restricted
Entrance Fee
No entrance fee applicable
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
Public Transport
Bucharest - Buzau - Braila - Galati railway line. At the same time, Galati is connected with the Moldavian cities via the Galati-Tecuci railway line. For example, access by rail on the Galati - Iasi route can be done via Tecuci - Bârlad or Via Tecuci - Mărăşeşti - Pascani.
There are five direct trains a day between Bucharest and Galati and two direct trains on the Galati - Iasi route and return (http://www.infofer.ro/ ).
There are regular bus journeys on the following routes connecting the city with other destinations abroad and in Romania (http://www.autogari.ro/Galati/Sosiri)
The local transport network (buses, trams, trolleybuses) is well represented in the city (http://www.transurbgalati.ro/trasee.php)
Further information sources
Further information on the events that took place during the First World War in Galati:
- George Munteanu, Galatii în timpul Marelui Război, 1916-1918, "Axis Libri" Publishing House, Galati, 2014;
- Marius Mitrof, Reflectarea României în presa străină. Colonelul Boyle şi salvarea parlamentarilor români refugiati la Odessa, in Presa Primului Război Mondial, "Tritonic" Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015;
- https://www.viata-libera.ro/editorial/36813-fara-galati-istoria-romanilor-ar-fi-fost-altfel;
- https://galateni.net/forum/topic/16762-de-ce-a-primit-galatiul-%E2%80%9Ecrucea-de-razboi%E2%80%9D/;
- http://suntemromania.blogspot.ro/2013/11/327crucea-de-razboi-franceza.html;
- http://vladimirrosulescu-istorie.blogspot.ro/2012_09_16_archive.html;
- http://adevarul.ro/locale/galati/istoria-unui-razboi-sters-comunisti-cartile-istorie-luptat-romanii-bolsevicii-galati-intr-o-inclestare-trei-zile-soldata-mii-morti-1_566161247d919ed50ee19fb9/index.html;
- https://www.romaniadigitala.ro/blog/batalia-pentru-galati-12-ianuarie-1918/
Other heritage sites nearby
Museums Private Collections
No information available
French Military Square in Galati, Romania
45.442833 28.035743 fileadmin/res/images/layout/standar-marker.pngLocation