World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
Outdoor Museum Mengore, Slovenia
Mengore hill, together with the two neighbouring hills, Cvetje and Bučenica, was the core of the Austro-Hungarian defence of the Tolmin bridgehead. The entire area was strongly fortified with numerous trenches and caves. All the time during the 29 months of the war, the Austro-Hungarian positions on Mengore hill were exposed to constant shelling by the Italian artillery from higher elevations on the right bank of the Soča. Neither side attained any bigger success. It was exactly this area that served in the decisive 12th Isonzo Battle as the point of departure for the successful breakthrough of the joint Austro-Hungarian-German Army, which pushed the Italian troops from the Upper Soča Region all to the river Piave.
A circular path through the museum runs past well-preserved and restored remains of the Austro-Hungarian first line of defence. It runs past trenches, caves, memorial tablets, remains of stone walls of cabins, a water reservoir and the monument of the onetime military cemetery. On the top of Mengore hill stands a church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary's name.
Slovenia, Tolmin
Type of WWI-heritage
- War monument
- Trench-system
- Military Infrastructure
- Church
- Military cemetery
- Other military building or facility
28 ha
State of repair/preservation
The area of the outdoor museum is well preserved. Some of the military facilities (caves) are dangerous, therefore wearing a helmet is recommendable.
Historical WWI Context
No information available.
State of legal protection
Cultural heritage of local importance.
Private and public ownership.
Kind of cultural use of WWI
Ustanova "Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju" (The Walks of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation) www.potmiru.si
Opened 24 hours/day throughout the year.
Entrance Fee
There is no entrance fee.
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
The cultural and historical trail of Most na Soči http://www.tol-muzej.si/pot/eng/
The energy trail of Most na Soči https://www.dolina-soce.com/en/valley_of_energy/energy_trails/20120328152731159/The%20energy%20trail/
Archeological museum in Most na Soči http://www.tol-muzej.si/?id=116&lang=en
Accumulation lake Most na Soči
Homestead of Ciril Kosmač http://www.tol-muzej.si/?id=121&lang=en
Public Transport
The nearest bus stop is in the center of Most na Soči (3 km away) or in the center of Volče (2 km away).
Further information sources
The Walk of Peace www.potmiru.si
TIC Tolmin https://www.soca-valley.com/en/
Tolmin Museum http://www.tol-muzej.si/?&lang=en
Other heritage sites nearby
Museums Private Collections
Little Museum of the Isonzo Front, Tolmin Bridgehead, Most na Soči, Peter Kogoj, Most na Soči 53, 5216 Most na Soči
Outdoor Museum Mengore, Slovenia
46.16652935134673 13.721849709238426 fileadmin/res/images/layout/standar-marker.pngLocation