World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
The monument to General Stefan Toshev, General Toshevo, Bulgaria
Bust-monument of General Stefan Toshev. The space around the monument is shaped as a small garden.
Bulgaria, General Toshevo
Type of WWI-heritage
- Non-Military Site of World War One Relevance
- War monument
Dimensions of the monument - total: 150/80/400 cm Dimensions of the bronze cast: 150/80/150 cm Dimensions of the pedestal: 80/70/250 cm
State of repair/preservation
Good condition
Historical WWI Context
The monument was built on the occasion of 120 years since the birth of the patron of the city - the infantry general Stefan Toshev. Не was born in Stara Zagora. The Bulgarian hero was participant in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 as a volunteer. In the Serbian-Bulgarian War of 1885 he commanded a battalion in the battles at Vrabcha, Tran and later at Slivnitsa. In the Balkan War of 1912 he was the commander of the First Infantry Division of Sofia. In the 1913Toshev commanded the 5th Army, and during the First World War, the 3rd Army. He is an author of "The War of Liberation 1877-78" / 1902 / and "The Actions of the Third Army in Dobrudzha in 1916". The monument was unveilted on the 21th of December 1979 in the presence of Stefan Chalakov - grandson of General Stefan Toshev, the author and the designer of the monument and the authors of the book "Historical essay for General Stefan Toshev" - Colonel Dimitar Hristov and Colonel Venelin Karaivanov. The monument consists of one main sculptural part with the face of General Stefan Toshev, placed on a black marble floor. In the central part of the pedestal there is relief embossed with bronze. The space around the monument is shaped as a small garden.
Historical Images
State of legal protection
Municipality General Toshevo
Kind of cultural use of WWI
Free access
Entrance Fee
No entry fee
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
Public Transport
Further information sources
Бойчев, Петър. Симеонов, Радослав. Те загинаха за Добруджа. София, ИК „Гутенберг”, 2016 г.
Първата световна война и събитията на Добруджанския фронт. The First World War and the events on the Dobrudzhan front. Сборник с изследвания. Тутракан, 2011 г.
Dobrudja – Politicsq Societyq Economy and Culture (XIX-XX Centure). Добруджа – политика, общество, стопанство и култура (XIX-XX в.). Тутракан, Ковачев, 2015 г.
Dobrudzha in the Wars for National unification. Добруджа във войните за национално обединение. Добрич, 2016 г.
Букурещкият мирен договор и съдбата на Южна Добруджа. Добрич, 1994 г.
Добричката епопея 1916 г. Историко-библиографски справочник. Добрич, 2006 г.
Съединението 1885 – енциклопедичен справочник. София, Държавно издателство „д-р Петър Берон“, 1985.
Генерал Стефан Тошев. Писма от войната 1885 – 1895. 1896 (второ издание)
Генерал Стефан Тошев. За княза и отечеството. Войнишка клетва. Книжка за раздаване на войниците от II тракийска дивизия. София, 1901, 256 с.
Генерал Стефан Тошев. Освободителната война 1877 – 1878. 1902
Генерал Стефан Тошев. Действията на III армия в Добруджа през 1916 година. Отговор на писаното за българите в мемоарите на Генерал Лудендорфа. 1921
Генерал Стефан Тошев. Победени без да бъдем бити. Отговор на хулителите ни като съюзници. Преглед на трите войни 1912 – 1913 и 1915 – 1918. София, 1924
Генерал Стефан Тошев. Победени без да бъдем бити. 2009
Недев, С., Командването на българската войска през войните за национално обединение, София, 1993
Other heritage sites nearby
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- A Soldiers’ Monument at Old Cemetery Varna, Bulgaria
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- A Monument of Colonel Petar Dimkov in Varna City, Bulgaria
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- Memorial Monument of Eighth Infantry Sea Regiment in Varna, Bulgaria
- Monument of the Bulgarian Coastal Artillery, Bulgaria
- Memorial park-garden, Bulgaria
- Soldier cemetery in Silistra, Bulgaria
- Memorial Monument, Dobrich, Bulgaria
- The Memorial Wall with a bas-relief of Rear Admiral Ivan Variclechkov in Varna, Bulgaria
- The Monument to the Fallen Warriors in Aksakovo, Varna Region, Bulgaria
- WWI related monument, Alfatar
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Museums Private Collections
The monument to General Stefan Toshev, General Toshevo, Bulgaria
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