World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
The Roman-catholic elementary school of the sisters of Charity of St. Vinko in Žepče, Bosnia and Herzegovina
This constructional/architectural World War One heritage along with its exact data of construction such as dimensions, type of building etc. had disappeared since it was constructed many years ago. The only data that is currently available is its location.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Žepče
Type of WWI-heritage
- Non-Military Site of World War One Relevance
No data.
State of repair/preservation
The constructional/architectural World War One heritage is in very good condition, it is well preserved because it is taken care of on a daily basis by the inhabitants of the Convent.
Historical WWI Context
Sisters of Charity (Nuns) arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim to fulfil their holy mission that is to help, teach and spread the Christian faith. In 1871 they arrived in Sarajevo, and opened a school for girls. As they got very good results in the examinations, with the support and help of the bishop Vujičić they started opening schools around Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of such was opened in the town of Žepče in 1883. After the Austro – Hungarian Monarchy concurred Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Sisters had a better period coming because the Government financed they and helped them to continue on with their mission. The Roman-catholic school Sisters of Charity in Žepče worked continuously and had students of all religions, not only Christian ones. The school did not stop working even during the World War One. The period after during and after the World War Two, was extremely difficult for the catholic schools all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Žepče as well. The schools were closed and the privilege of teaching was taken away from the Sisters of Charity as well. The schools were banned and turned into convents. This is what happened to the school in Žepče.
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Historical Images
State of legal protection
It is not protected, managed, presented according to any local, regional, national or international law or agreement.
The land is owned and managed by the Convent Sacred Heart of Jesus in Žepče, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Kind of cultural use of WWI
No data.
No data.
Entrance Fee
No data.
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
In the town of Žepče, there is an old house called Bešlagića House, than there is the Monument for the Fascism victims (From the World War Two), there are mineral water springs that can be visited and are very interesting to see.
No data.
Public Transport
No data.
Further information sources
No data.
Other heritage sites nearby
Museums Private Collections
Museum in Sarajevo has an amazing collection about the World War One heritage because the murder of Franz Ferdinand took place there, so they have a very interesting and important story to tell.
The Roman-catholic elementary school of the sisters of Charity of St. Vinko in Žepče, Bosnia and Herzegovina
44.43786192576589 18.026396485058626 fileadmin/res/images/layout/standar-marker.pngLocation