World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
WWI related monument, Alfatar
Bulgaria, Alfatar
Type of WWI-heritage
- War monument
State of repair/preservation
Historical WWI Context
Vladimir Musakov was born on October 25, 1887 in Sofia. He graduated law at the Moscow State University in 1912, where he studied both state and financial sciences. After returning to Bulgaria, he was one of the founders of the law firm. He wrote as a collaborator for the magazines "Lisotopad", "Svetlina", "Fakel" and "Rodno izkustvo". His stories, poetry, fairy tales, and impressions were published in some of the popular editions. In 1915, he finished the Reserve Officers School. After the outbreak of World War I, Musakov was produced in the rank of lieutenant and mobilized. First he was sent to the Southern Front, where he fought against Serbian troops. He was later sent to the Dobrudzha Front. There, on 19 September 1916, in the village of Kokarddza, he was seriously wounded with two bullets in the left leg and one in the left hand.On the 28th of September 1916 he died at the age of 29 in the military hospital in Alfatar, as a result of his wounds and tetanus. The young hero was buried in the yard of the “St. Trinity” church. He was made posthumously in the rank of lieutenant. On the front, in the trenches, Musakov creates the book, which left his name in the Bulgarian literature - "Bloody spots". It is written as letters from a personal diary, with realistic and bright anti-war content. On the front, he started a novel called "Yana". Other works written previously by Musakov were the drama in 3 acts – “Dalila”, the dramatic poem in 4 paintings – “Satanail” (that he left unfinished), some poems in prose, impressions, articles.
State of legal protection
“St. Trinity” church
Kind of cultural use of WWI
Entrance Fee
No entrance fee.
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
Public Transport
Further information sources
„Българска енциклопедия“. Том 8. София, 2012
Мусаков, Владимир. Кървави петна. София, 1987 г.
Бойчев, Петър. Симеонов, Радослав. Те загинаха за Добруджа. София, ИК „Гутенберг”, 2016 г.
Първата световна война и събитията на Добруджанския фронт. The First World War and the events on the Dobrudzhan front. Сборник с изследвания. Тутракан, 2011 г.
Dobrudja – Politics, Society, Economy and Culture (XIX-XX Centure). Добруджа – политика, общество, стопанство и култура (XIX-XX в.). Тутракан, Ковачев, 2015 г.
Dobrudzha in the Wars for National unification. Добруджа във войните за национално обединение. Добрич, 2016 г.
Българска военна история в три тома. Подбрани извори и документи. София, 1977
Other heritage sites nearby
- Memorial Monument of Eighth Infantry Sea Regiment in Varna, Bulgaria
- Heroes Mausolem (Mausoleum of Mateiaş) in Valea Mare Pravăţ, Romania
- A Soldiers’ Monument at Old Cemetery Varna, Bulgaria
- Military Cemetery in Dobrich, Bulgaria
- Tutrakan Military Cemetery, Tutrakan, Bulgaria
- A Monument of Colonel Petar Dimkov in Varna City, Bulgaria
- Monument of the Border Guard in the Sea Garden of Varna City, Bulgaria
- Monument to German submarine sailors in Varna, Bulgaria
- Memorial Monument of Eighth Infantry Sea Regiment in Varna, Bulgaria
- Monument of the Bulgarian Coastal Artillery, Bulgaria
- Memorial park-garden, Bulgaria
- Soldier cemetery in Silistra, Bulgaria
- Memorial Monument, Dobrich, Bulgaria
- The Monument to the Fallen Warriors in Aksakovo, Varna Region, Bulgaria
Museums Private Collections
WWI related monument, Alfatar
43.945850 27.286570 fileadmin/res/images/layout/standar-marker.pngLocation