World War One Sites - The NETWORLD Database
WWI cemeteries in Kecskemét, Hungary
A. The 3,7 m high monument is situated in the roman catholic Szentháromság cemetery at Küküllő St.
B. The 3m high column and the plaquet of 1,2 m is situated in the Jewish cemetery
Type of WWI-heritage
- Military cemetery
the catholic cemetery monument cross has a high of 3,7 m. The Jewish memorial column is 3 m high
State of repair/preservation
well managed
Historical WWI Context
A. Roman catholic cemetery: the monument in the Szentháromság cemetery was estabished in 1927. In 1939 the women organisation from Kecskemét ordered the memorial work from the artist Imre Gábor. From a basement shaping the Hungarian Kingdom a 3,7 m high croos is arrising. On the base of the cross is the solder praying to the Jezus.
B. Jewish cemetery: the column has a high of 3 m having on the top a steel helmet. The column inscription is: A KECSKEMÉTI IZRAELITA HŐSI HALOTTAK EMLÉKÉRE 1914–1918. ÉLETÜKET ÁLDOZTÁK A HAZÁÉRT . The marble plaguet of Jewish heroes contain 44 names, 8 of them burried in the cemetery. The inscription on the plaquet: AZ 1914-918. VILÁGHÁBORÚBAN HŐSI HALÁLT HALT HITTESTVÉREINK ÖRÖK EMLÉKÉRE
Historical Images
State of legal protection
no data available
A. the roman catholic church
B. the Jewish community from Kecskemét
Kind of cultural use of WWI
On the available website as www.utazzitthon.hu/latnivalo/kecskemet you can find:
The mayor house, Kossuth ter 1, 6001 Kecskemét,
Kossuth square , 6001 Kecskemét
Cifra palace, 6001 Kecskemét, Rákoczi út 1
Game park, Műkerti sétány 1
Hungarian Photo Museum, 6001 Kecskemét, Katona József tér 12
Katona József museum, 6001 Kecskemét, Katona József u. 5
Nearby Kecskemét you can find:
Kiskunsági national park 6001 Kecskemét, Liszt F. u. 19
Kecskeméti arboretum
no data available
Entrance Fee
no data available
Information regarding cities, villages, other touristic attractions (non-WWI) nearby
Other information in the book of Juhász István ( 1999): Kecskemét város temetői. Kecskemét,
no data available
Public Transport
no data available
Further information sources
no data available
Other heritage sites nearby
Museums Private Collections
no data available
WWI cemeteries in Kecskemét, Hungary
46.9009186 19.6820989 fileadmin/res/images/layout/standar-marker.pngLocation